I meet lots of people every week who tell me about how bored or stressed they are in their jobs, or how frustrated they are by not having meaningful employment, or how confused they are about what they should do in terms of a "career transition" ... [Continue Reading]
Reform, withdraw, or “damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!”
In a recent blog entry "Money's Hunger", Guardian newspaper columnist George Monbiot ponders the quandry we're in by asking: "Industrial civilisation is trashing the environment. Should we try to reform it or just watch it go down?" (his blog at ... [Continue Reading]
Definition of insanity: the standard job search
Albert Einstein defined "insanity" as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. Unfortunately, this sounds a lot like a conventional job search strategy that ... [Continue Reading]
A challenge with food labeling…
As one indicator of the challenge of having accurate and consumer-friendly (ie: useful to the lay person) labeling, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is now consulting with various groups to ... [Continue Reading]
The 5 major “career ailments”
If you're reading this blog, you're probably doing some soul searching about your job, your life, your work, however you label it. Otherwise, why be here? So, truth be told, I'm not sure if this will be of any interest to you, but I figure you've got ... [Continue Reading]
Results-Only Work (ROWE)
I heard an interesting interview on CBC radio a couple of days ago -- it was a discussion of ROWE, which stands for Results Only Work Environment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROWE In a nutshell, ROWE is attempting to break the concept of paying an ... [Continue Reading]
Detoxing — some straightforward solutions
In earlier posts, I've laid out in some detail the "problems" that businesses generate in our society, which are both intended and unintended consequences of the construction of our market economy. The solutions to these challenges are ... [Continue Reading]
At the heart of business — 3 ironies
Being fascinated by business I have spent some time studying the specific toxic natures of the machine. And as any good engineer is taught to proceed, I have deconstructed the machine to try to better understand how and why it operates the way ... [Continue Reading]
The reality about business – a toxic “machine”
I am troubled. I am deeply troubled by much of the wreckage of the outcomes of the modern corporations and its current business practices. I want to be, and generally am, an unfettered advocate for open markets, for globalization, for ownership ... [Continue Reading]
Our current path is not sustainable
I live in a time when we – and I believe that to mean the majority of the human species – are starting to awaken to the reality that we live in a physically closed system. I stress physically closed to properly differentiate from a fully closed ... [Continue Reading]