REALITY CHECK! Regardless of the specific career issue you face today, a core skill for your ongoing success is learning how to effectively navigate your career through the ever-increasing turbulence around you.
For all of us, navigating turbulence is rapidly becoming a core skill for success in our 21st century working world.
THE BAD NEWS — most of what you think you know about “the system” — how the job market works, positioning yourself, finding new roles, leveraging your network — is deeply flawed. In fact, your sustained efforts at “working the system” the way you think it works is what is causing your endless frustration, your increasing lack of confidence in your skills, and your withdrawal into yourself. THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN, AND IT IS SYSTEMATICALLY BREAKING YOU DOWN ALSO.
There is GOOD NEWS — once you figure out how the “system” really works and tackle it systematically, your sustained efforts will grow your clarity, grow your confidence, grow your network, and deliver you real opportunities that are a clear fit. Your challenge is to figure out how things really work, so that you can more readily — and with less pain and frustration — find the work and opportunities that are most meaningful to you.
Once you learn how to work the system effectively, you’ll be able to bring that knowledge and those growing skills to continually and successfully navigating your career through our world of increasing turbulence. This is the work we do — we want you to develop the core skill of gracefully navigating your own career through this turbulent world. Here are 4 ways we help:
DO IT YOURSELF — you’re looking for some easy to follow steps on HOW to navigate your career change. You know that when you know WHAT TO DO, you are able to get on and do it. You’re confident in your motivation, your discipline, and your persistence. You want access to an easy-to-follow blueprint.
We’ve published it, short and to the point. Get the book, follow the action blueprint and complete the exercises laid out in it, and you’ll move your career objectives nicely forward. Guaranteed.
For the price of a cup of coffee, you can purchase the book today on Amazon and get started.
ONE DAY WORKSHOP — when you approach something new, you like to soak in it with a group of like-minded people and get a chance to explore the terrain, work through exercises with hands-on instruction, and ask questions. We’ve got you covered.
Our 1-day workshops lays out the complete action blueprint and takes you through key exercises so you can start to develop your navigational mastery. Our workshops come in 2 flavors — one for those exploring the big wide world, and one for employees seeking opportunities within their current workplace. (This is employee training, so ask your organization to pay the freight on this…)
THE 6 WEEK MAKEOVER — if you’re the kind of person that really performs when you have a solid structure to work within and clear expectations laid out in terms of what is expected from you and when, our 6 week course is the ticket to success. This fully online course walks you through every part of our action blueprint and provide expert insights, reading assignments, group discussion opportunities, and ongoing feedback on your progress.
All your materials are provided in soft copy, and you can do this complete course from the privacy of your own home.
INDIVIDUALIZED ACCELERATION COACHING — many people like to have a guide and companion when we’re trying to do something new; our coaching support packages provide that. Your coach will take you through our action blueprint and you’ll get as much individual support as you need. The end result? You’ll be able to explore more deeply and move forward more quickly that most can on their own. That’s the acceleration individualized coaching provides.
Our coaching support is offered through a combination of face-to-face meetings, email support, telephone and Skype support; we can help you no matter where you are in the world.