Chris MacDonald, in his business ethics blog, pointed out an article highlighting how BP was approaching the university research community and effectively "buying up" their support and silence for their upcoming legal battles. The blog entry (and ... [Continue Reading]
BP: When a “wake-up call” probably isn’t
There is lots of discussion about how the current BP Gulf of Mexico situation is a "wake up call" for the government and for Big Oil. We said the same thing about the banks and the global economic meltdown of 2007/08. It is not that I don't think ... [Continue Reading]
More on the BP disaster
Just posted this comment to the Economist, after reading the latest article on the BP disaster and the mounting costs. The article is here; here is my posted comment: ... [Continue Reading]
Costs, the Market, and BP
One of my major beliefs (and the rationale behind much of the philosophy of the Business Detox Project) is that the world would be a much better place if we worked to price "externalities" into our market transactions. The current fiasco that is ... [Continue Reading]