In this great -- and short -- article (reprinted in it's entirety below), writer Saul Kaplan poses the question: Is your CEO Serious about innovation? Ask 10 questions. The questions he poses cover off the culture of innovation, underlying strategies ... [Continue Reading]
Want to transform into a high performance business?
I've been thinking about this question a lot lately, as I work to better relate my own "transformation" value proposition into language meaningful and attractive to my clients. I mean, who wouldn't want to own and operate a "high performance ... [Continue Reading]
Collaborative consumption
An interesting TEDtalk I've come across ---Rachel Botsman on the "new" internet-enabled sharing and swapping business models that she is labeling "Collaborative Consumption". In this 16 minute TEDtalk from Sydney Australia in 2010 Rachel presents her ... [Continue Reading]
Results-Only Work (ROWE)
I heard an interesting interview on CBC radio a couple of days ago -- it was a discussion of ROWE, which stands for Results Only Work Environment: In a nutshell, ROWE is attempting to break the concept of paying an ... [Continue Reading]