On a local radio call-in talk show today, the subject was "unpaid internships". It's been in the news a lot recently, and it seems to me that a lot of fairly unscrupulous companies are taking advantage of getting access to free labour under the ... [Continue Reading]
Do you have a Succession Plan?
You may well think this post doesn't really apply to you -- after all, aren't Succession Plans those things big companies have that lay out how they should develop their key internal people? Or they are those formal plans that business owners have ... [Continue Reading]
Your career: can you think like a start-up?
I read a short book review in the Economist recently for Reid Hoffman's (founder of LinkedIn) and Ben Casnocha's new book "The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career". While I haven't read the book (yet ... [Continue Reading]
Career Tip: Don’t be an a**hole!
This "career tip" probably seems very straightforward as obvious advice -- we don't like assholes and nobody should aspire to be one. However, this advice comes from a significant lesson learned in my own career many years ago; it's a real story that ... [Continue Reading]
Career Tip: Work to Put Yourself out of Your Job
OK. I admit that the title might be a bit confusing -- why the heck would you want to put yourself out of a job? What kind of "career tip" is that? In fact, it is one I believe strongly in, and when I look back over my own career I realize that this ... [Continue Reading]
“What to do after you’ve made a mistake”
This is a posting from a blog entry on "Tech Republic" that I thought would be useful, re-posted in its' entirety. Not really much to add to this, although I would suggest dwelling on the thought at the end of post: "When someone says they don’t make ... [Continue Reading]
Shooting down some common career myths
I came across this article in one of the many newsletters I receive in my in-box; this one struck me as a well constructed set of "myths" that many of us have bought into over the years. This blog post is from "Tech Republic" which is an IT centric ... [Continue Reading]
Career change — lessons from business transformation strategies
I came across an article today in Strategy+Business (posted to my C-View website) about managing business change, and it struck me that it was very applicable to how we coach our clients to manage/drive their career transformation -- essentially just ... [Continue Reading]
The 5 major “career ailments”
If you're reading this blog, you're probably doing some soul searching about your job, your life, your work, however you label it. Otherwise, why be here? So, truth be told, I'm not sure if this will be of any interest to you, but I figure you've got ... [Continue Reading]