On a local radio call-in talk show today, the subject was "unpaid internships". It's been in the news a lot recently, and it seems to me that a lot of fairly unscrupulous companies are taking advantage of getting access to free labour under the ... [Continue Reading]
What is your current job count?
An interesting infographic. The big take-away for me is at the bottom of the chart: "Half of all new college graduates believe that self-employment is more secure than a full-time job..." Thank goodness for that, as these people will be starting ... [Continue Reading]
Things to never say on the job
I came across this list of "10 things you should never say on the job" and I remembered my own painful little lesson about something you should never say. Figuring that the statute of limitations on saying stupid things is long over on this one (it ... [Continue Reading]
Humor — the best preparation for crazy interview questions?
I recall at various times when going through formal job interviews being asked the odd "crazy" question that had little to do with the company or the role I was being interviewed for. They were questions like: "what is the weight -- in kilos -- of a ... [Continue Reading]
In Praise of Older Workers
Now, as part of the tailing edge of the baby boomers myself, this all might seem to be somewhat self-serving to the younger audience, but hey, apparently there is a lot to be said about older workers -- not least that there are boatloads of us ... [Continue Reading]
Serious jump in US unemployment duration…
Wow. Takes my breath away... I think there might be a few different things behind this alarming curve, however these are only my own speculation: ... [Continue Reading]
Career Tip: Don’t be an a**hole!
This "career tip" probably seems very straightforward as obvious advice -- we don't like assholes and nobody should aspire to be one. However, this advice comes from a significant lesson learned in my own career many years ago; it's a real story that ... [Continue Reading]
Career Tip: Work to Put Yourself out of Your Job
OK. I admit that the title might be a bit confusing -- why the heck would you want to put yourself out of a job? What kind of "career tip" is that? In fact, it is one I believe strongly in, and when I look back over my own career I realize that this ... [Continue Reading]
“Corporate Social Responsibility” is a fundamentally flawed concept
The vast majority of business practitioners that I have met and worked with throughout my career are caring, honest people who one would generally regard as striving to be morally and ethically responsible. They don’t particularly want to run ... [Continue Reading]
Top buzzwords the job market uses
In trolling through some old postings, I came across this entry from the LinkedIn blog that gave me pause for consideration. Scanning the list you see the usual suspects one almost expects to see these days on all resumes. When you consider that in ... [Continue Reading]