Last evening I sat through a very informative presentation given by a colleague of mine; the topic was on why Canadian industry is suffering from an "innovation gap" (comparatively speaking, based on international ranking systems) and what the ... [Continue Reading]
Re-inventing yourself
I came across this article today about how to re-invent oneself; the article touches on a lot of things and for the curious reader has a lot of content that provides an opportunity to ponder things. There is lots here, and one key thought for me is ... [Continue Reading]
Porter’s “Shared Value” idea: Where’s the Beef?
As I have been exploring various pathways of my "business detox" investigations, a number of colleagues have suggested that I really needed to read Michael Porter and Mark Kramer's (apparently provocative) HBR article entitled "The Big Idea: Creating ... [Continue Reading]
HBR guest blog: new Sustainability tool
I just came across this blog entry from Andrew Winston, writing in the Harvard Business Review -- it presents a nice conceptual wheel that can help companies better strategize about how to develop meaningful, strategically relevant sustainability ... [Continue Reading]