I came across this list of "10 things you should never say on the job" and I remembered my own painful little lesson about something you should never say. Figuring that the statute of limitations on saying stupid things is long over on this one (it ... [Continue Reading]
Repost: “11 Career Tips for 2011”
This post is a re-print from the newsletter by Tech Republic (if you want to see the original you can find it here). I found the tips to be excellent advice for anyone at any point in their career -- the earlier you are in your career and you embrace ... [Continue Reading]
Do you know what you are worth?
If you are like the majority of working people out there, you willingly exchange a significant portion of your labour and talents for the ongoing promise of some kind of stability, predictability, and financial remuneration. You know this as your ... [Continue Reading]
What CCI means to me…
People will tell you that for a business to be meaningful, it must connect up with something that is important to the customer... and so of course in promoting the business in public, we tend to lead with a customer-centric statement -- more often ... [Continue Reading]