Wow. Takes my breath away... I think there might be a few different things behind this alarming curve, however these are only my own speculation: ... [Continue Reading]
Top buzzwords the job market uses
In trolling through some old postings, I came across this entry from the LinkedIn blog that gave me pause for consideration. Scanning the list you see the usual suspects one almost expects to see these days on all resumes. When you consider that in ... [Continue Reading]
Networking & the “credibility threshold”
I came across a great blog entry this morning which I wanted to share here as it has a great deal to do with how job searchers have to build credibility in the early stages a networking activity before people will be receptive to their message. ... [Continue Reading]
The world of the Recruiter
Here is a great article I just stumbled across today -- it is titled "10 Things Recruiters Won't Tell You" and it certainly rings true to me. So if you are currently in a job search and you've shopped your CV around to a bunch of industry "head ... [Continue Reading]
More (or less?) skills needed…
I came across this job/career article in the San Jose Mercury News which is definitely worth a quick spin through and some noodling about how it relates to you and your career (or job search). The headline grabber is about how many job seekers in the ... [Continue Reading]
The frustrating lottery we’ve all played…
Imagine the introduction of a new lottery game that promises a “lifetime of cash and security” to those lucky enough to win. You’re intrigued, and so you check out the rules of this game: ... [Continue Reading]