TEDtalk by Kelly McGonigal about the science behind stress. Interesting stuff and well worth watching -- key take-away: "caring creates resilience". Awesome thought for a stressed out society.... ... [Continue Reading]
“Fun facts” about anxiety
Well OK, there is probably really not that much that is "funny" about anxiety, whether you are dealing with it personally, or are confronting it in others around you in your personal or professional life. In my professional work as a change ... [Continue Reading]
This is your spider. This is your spider on drugs.
Just came across a fascinating article about what kinds of webs that spiders under the influence of various kinds of drugs actually weave -- as it turns out, they weave all kinds of crazy things! Check out the short article here , and then for your ... [Continue Reading]
The science behind standing
I've been using a standing desk now for about 8 months, and I am a very enthusiastic endorser of the practice now. I find that my work quality is better, I am more productive, my energy levels are better, and overall I just feel a lot more effective ... [Continue Reading]
Willful Blindness (book review)
Recently I read Margaret Heffernan's book "Willful Blindness" (2011, Random House). The byline of the book really says it all: "Why we ignore the obvious at our peril"... In my own research work, I have been pondering this concept of "willful ... [Continue Reading]
Obesity: Toxic behavior #1 and growing…
I came across an infographic today (included below) that lays out the costs of obesity. In the USA, one out of every 3 adults clocks in as obese; in Canada it is currently 1 in 4. Not only shocking, but I don't see it shrinking anytime soon... My ... [Continue Reading]
You got crabs in your bucket?
A while back, I remember reading a most interesting thing about a key difference between fishing for lobsters and for crabs. Apparently with lobsters you have to keep a watchful eye as once caught and dropped in a bucket, lobsters will keep trying to ... [Continue Reading]
Planning for successful change (part 2 of 5)
In the first post in this 5-part series, I introduced a 5 step model for driving successful and sustainable change in your life. To recap, those steps are: Tuning your language, setting the goal, and visualizing success; Describe your starting ... [Continue Reading]
Planning for successful change (part 1 of 5)
In a recent public newsletter, I committed to developing a series that break down the whole "goal setting and achieving" thing into 5 steps. As the first in that series, I want to set the stage with a bit of a preamble. First off, I'm assuming ... [Continue Reading]
Our deepest fear
A good friend of mine sent me a note about my recent blog "4 Obstacles to Pursuing Your Dreams" and in her comments passed along this great quote from Marianne Williamson (who, up to now I must confess, I had not heard of). Apparently, based on her ... [Continue Reading]